Charlene Dominick

I am a surface textile designer with a love for bold colour schemes and combining high quality analytical drawings with textures. All designs begin in the format of a sketch book and become a digital design through a process of exploring expressive techniques such as watercolour and mono print.

In 3 words describe your pattern design style?
Colourful, detailed and contemporary
What is your work & design process? 
All artwork begin life as drawings and paintings. I experiment with a combination of watercolour and acrylic paints to achieve different textures to my flowers.  I then combine this with the sharp graphic lines of pen drawings to create a contemporary finish to my patterns.
Where do you find your design inspiration?
I find inspiration in traditional botanical artists such as Elizabeth Blackadder.  Her work was so bold for its time and she can find the perfect balance between busy motifs and negative space.  I experiment with these elements in my own designs to create a fresh approach to traditional floral patterns.
What advice would you give to new designers?
Experiment with lots of different trend reports before finding the specific style that suits you the most.  Then embrace this as the quality of your work will start to increase if you are enjoying what you are making